
What is Carb Loading and How Do You Carbo Load?

What is Carb Loading and How Do You Carbo Load?

Ask an endurance athlete, the most important nutrient to fuel them before their event, and most likely they are going to respond “Carbohydrates”. Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for the body during any physical activity that we do, and some of the carbohydrates that we eat are also stored as GLYCOGEN in liver …

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A Keto Guide for Beginners

Keto diet for beginners: Food, Benefits and Risk

As a beginner, you’re probably not yet familiar with ketogenic dieting. And while it may seem like an alien concept to you, it’s completely possible that this approach could help you shed weight and improve your health in a way no other diet can. In fact, many professional athletes swear by this strategy! The ketogenic …

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How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Green tea boosts your metabolism, increases your caloric burn, and lowers your stomach fat, making it a must-have on any weight-loss journey. FitTea is a blend of green tea leaves, rooibos, and Oolong Wuyi, all of which are known for their weight loss benefits, as well as ginger, pomegranate, and Garcinia Cambogia, all superstar ingredients …

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Breaking the myth of high protein need for endurance of athletes

Breaking the myth of high protein need for endurance of athletes

Endurance building is prime requisite of any athlete, no matter a beginner or a pro. It’s been promoted from years that if one is willing to maintain the hardship to sustain the challenges of a long run, they should focus on a diet high in protein. Is it really wise to focus on a high protein diet? …

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9 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has recently been discovered to have a number of healthy benefits. The various health benefits of dark chocolate includes, alleviation of cardiovascular disease, protection against heart disease, stroke prevention, alleviation of hypertension (high blood pressure), regulation of blood sugar and insulin dependence, reduced risk of type II diabetes, antioxidant protection, relieve from cold …

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Magnesium: A miracle mineral or Hype?

Magnesium for athletes: A miracle mineral or Hype?

Despite being the 7th most abundant element in nature, many of us fall short of the optimal magnesium intake crucial for our well-being. But what does magnesium really do for our bodies, and what are its health benefits, especially for athletes? In this article, we’ll delve into the role of magnesium as a vital mineral …

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3 Tips to Maximize Your Physical Health This Summer

Tips to Maximize Your Physical Health This Summer

Although last month was Men’s Health Month, there’s no better time like the present to check in on your physical health. No matter your age or activity level, it’s important to regularly visit your primary care doctor and alert them of any concerns. Having these conversations with your doctor will allow them to detect patterns that may be …

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Benefits of online coaching during quarantine

Did you have an in-person coach prior to the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you missing the support and socialization of group runs? Do you need more accountability to stay on track for your goals and stay healthy, both mentally and physically? Online coaching may be just what you need right now Check out the reasons why: …

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