As a beginner, you’re probably not yet familiar with ketogenic dieting. And while it may seem like an alien concept to you, it’s completely possible that this approach could help you shed weight and improve your health in a way no other diet can. In fact, many professional athletes swear by this strategy!
The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has been used by doctors and nutritionists for years. It was originally developed to treat epilepsy in children, but it’s also been studied as a way to improve overall health. In this guide we’ll walk through everything you need to know about the keto diet before embarking on your own journey!
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What can you eat on a keto diet?
The ketogenic diet is based on the idea that your body begins to burn fat instead of carbs for energy. Since it’s higher in fat than any other diet, it’s also known as “keto.” As a result, you’ll be eating mostly fatty foods like meats and eggs while avoiding starchier vegetables (like potatoes), legumes (such as beans or lentils), grains and dairy products. One serving size is one cup of cooked vegetables or two cups of raw leafy greens like spinach and kale. For example: if you choose steamed broccoli over boiled green beans because they’re lower in carbs but still count towards your daily allowance because they’re vegetable-based protein sources—you’ll get 3 grams per serving instead of 2 grams per serving!

What are the benefits of the Keto diet?
The benefits of the keto diet are many and varied. Weight loss, reduced blood sugar and blood pressure, increased energy, improved mental clarity and physical performance all result from a ketogenic lifestyle.
For example: A study conducted at the University of Illinois found that those who followed a low carb diet saw their cholesterol levels drop by as much as 20 percent within just three months! This is particularly impressive considering that most people taking statins have already lowered their LDL “bad” cholesterol by 10-15 percent by following this type of meal plan. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol levels overall (which helps reduce plaque build up in arteries), they also saw increases in good cholesterol (HDL) and triglyceride levels—all while losing weight!
What are the drawbacks and risks?
The ketogenic diet is not for everyone. It’s also not a long-term solution and can be dangerous if you’re predisposed to certain medical conditions (such as diabetes). The ketogenic diet isn’t balanced, so it can lead to nutritional deficiencies that could cause further health problems. If you decide to go on the keto diet, discuss your plans with your doctor first—and do more research if you’re considering trying this lifestyle!
What foods you should avoid?
- High-carb foods like potatoes, rice, bread and pasta.
- Fruit and vegetables.
- High-fat foods like butter, oils and nuts.
- Sweeteners like honey or maple syrup (but definitely not chocolate!).
Alcohol can be a very tricky ingredient to work with on keto because it’s so high in calories but you need it for flavor in drinks that you might drink regularly—it’s just not worth risking your health for these small amounts of alcohol!
How long do you have to stay on a keto diet to see the results?
How long you’ll have to stay on a keto diet depends on a lot of factors. It depends on your lifestyle, genetics and body fat percentage, as well as the amount of exercise you do—and even how much weight loss you see.
If you’re just starting out and want results in 2-3 weeks (or less), then this is the easiest way to get started! If it takes longer than that, though:
- Try exercising more often; or if not possible or comfortable yet with your schedule then take it slow until such time as it is possible/comfortable/desired 🙂
- Eat more protein foods like meat (which helps regulate hormone levels)

I hope it helps you get started on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Remember that this is an ongoing process and you should never expect to reach 100% ketosis overnight so don’t freak out if things aren’t going as planned! The most important thing is enjoying the process of learning about yourself, your body, what works best for each person.