strava jockey viral trend in Indonesia

Viral Strava Jockeys: The Rise of Paid Running Services in Indonesia

Have you ever seen someone take your Strava segment in such a quick time that you know you won’t be able to do it? Well, there might be something for you: a Strava “Jockey”.

The Rise of Strava Jockeys

Imagine paying someone to run for you at a set pace while you sit back and watch the unearned Kudos roll in. This is the essence of the Strava jockey trend that has taken Indonesia by storm. The concept, which started as a joke on social media, has quickly evolved into a booming business.

How did this begin?

The trend began with a tweet from a user known as @hahahiheho, who humorously announced a Strava jockey service. “By the way, I’m opening a Strava jockey service!! But the person who will run is my brother/family member who is a great runner. The price is dependent on the pace, km, etc. DM me.” The post featured an image from the video game Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, adding a playful twist. Despite its humorous origins, the tweet garnered nearly a million views and 2,500 reposts, catapulting the idea into the mainstream.

Strava jockeys trend viral in Indonesia

How Strava Jockeys Operate?

Strava jockeys, mostly teenagers, offer their running services to clients who are too busy to hit the pavement themselves. For instance, Satria, a 17-year-old jockey running the account @Satzzyy, charges from 42 cents CAD per kilometre. If a client desires a pace of 4:00 min/km, the cost increases by $2.10 CAD per kilometre for up to 10km. While the earnings might seem modest, they are significant in the context of Indonesia’s minimum monthly wage of around $171 CAD.

One jockey reportedly earned $8.25 CAD for a single run. Although the amount may appear small, it represents 5% of the monthly wage in Indonesia. In Canada, this would be equivalent to earning about $253 CAD in a single job.

Beyond Running: Cycling Services Too

The trend isn’t limited to running. Some jockeys also offer cycling activities at various prices, catering to the growing demand for fitness outsourcing.

The Future of Strava Jockeying

The rise of the Strava jockey trend reflects a broader societal shift towards outsourcing personal tasks in a post-pandemic world. As people increasingly prioritize convenience and digital validation, the trend may well spread beyond Indonesia. However, if it gains global traction, Strava will likely implement measures to police the app and maintain the integrity of its community.

The Ethical Dilemma

While the Strava jockey trend might seem harmless and even amusing, it raises significant ethical questions. The essence of fitness and personal achievement is undermined when someone else performs the activity on your behalf. It turns a platform designed for motivation and community into one of deception and false accolades.

For now, the Strava jockey phenomenon remains a uniquely Indonesian trend, highlighting the lengths to which people will go for social media recognition. As the trend gains momentum, it serves as a reminder that in the digital age, even fitness can be outsourced—but at what cost to personal integrity and authenticity?